Sunday, 9 November 2014

She smiled,
Knowing that she was loved,
By her friends,
By her family.

It was her unrealistic expectations,
That caused those wounds,
She knew it,
Yet she found it hard to change.

Those expectations,
Were her shield,
From being vulnerable and hurt,
But then again,
Those same expectations,
Broke her from deep within.

Her definition of friends differed,
To her,
Friends were like family,
And family was her life,
They were her pillars of strength.

She now understood,
Why God was testing her,
The same way,
But by taking her support system away.

He says in Surah Ra'd (Verse 11):
"Allah will not change the condition of  people until they change the condition of themselves"

She now finally absorbed,
What that verse really meant,
His test for her,
Was for her to change,
Was for her to be dependent only on Him.

She now understood why all her questions,
Were once left unanswered,
It was because He wanted her to search for them,
From His book,
And now, she has the answers.

It's just up to her to make that change,
And to find that balance,
Between love and dependence.

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