Monday, 6 July 2015

New Found Love

Travelling. It's been the best part of uni life thus far and I have been blessed with the opportunity to go around the state of Victoria, Australia this time around. It was a beautiful 7 day journey, exploring nature as well as the city of Melbourne, with the company of friends. 

The beauty of nature witnessed with my bare eyes can't be expressed even using the best camera lens. That was how beautiful the places were, particularly the Great Ocean Road. Crossing off 'witnessing a magnificent sunset' from my bucket list was also something I managed to do during this journey and it was more significant being able to do it with some of the most precious friends I have. I am truly blessed to be able to do something that I am passionate about- travelling. I think I have learnt so much just from that 7 day journey, not only about myself but about my friends.

There was one particular incident of which touched my heart very profoundly whereby the moon was shining so brightly on the night of the 15th of Ramadhan. I felt as if Allah sent the moonlight to ensure I drove home safely as in the suburbs of Aussie, streetlights don't exist and I without the moon that night, it would have been close to impossible for me to drive home without feeling afraid. He also thought me the importance of good company during the trip through several incidents like falling down while skiing, driving with the company of friends singing and playing tricks in the car just so that I stay awake and friends who were constantly keeping up with my Whatsapp messages just to make sure that 'I'm okay'. I'm blessed, I really am and I want to be able to always remember how blessed I am. Alhamdulillah for this new found love of travelling and for seeing the rainbow after such a long stormy journey. 

Farhanah Adam. 

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