Saturday, 27 June 2015

Embracing Pain

The phase of growing up comes with a price to it. Heartache is one of those immense pain that I have felt these past few years but it has undoubtedly thought me a lot about myself and made me stronger. At the beginning of the time of which I felt the pain, I did not want to admit it. I felt as if I was 'too strong' to go through such pain that's caused by mankind and that no one could have such an impact to make me feel immense pain. Well, I was definitely wrong to think in that manner and it didn't help at all. It only made things worse as I did not do the first thing that's necessary to be done when one's feeling hurt- to validate that very feeling.

Now that I have finally accepted my vulnerability and come to terms with it, I feel as if a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders. Admitting that I'm weak and that I'm in pain has made me stronger to move on. Though it's been a challenge, it has been a lot easier. I now wonder why I didn't embrace the pain earlier and the answer is fear. I allowed it to consume my thoughts, emotions and feelings. The power of fear is tremendous and it's been more than 2 years since it has held me back from embracing pain. Paradoxically, Alhamdulillah, I'm now glad that I have finally embraced the pain.

'Pain demands to be felt'

Farhanah Adam.

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