Tuesday, 25 February 2014


Pain. It's inevitable.

It hurts seeing those whom you love dearly going through pain, be it physical pain or heartache.
It's worst when you realize that you are helpless and can't do anything to help the ones you love. You can't get rid of the pain and you don't have control over anything.

It's at times like this that you will wake up from the deep worldly slumber that you were in and realize that only Allah has the power to help your loved ones. He knows what you're going through. Only He knows how helpless and miserable you feel. So, turn to Him and make du'a. For indeed, the best form of help that you could give to your loved ones is making du'a for them.

Allah's just waiting for you to ASK for His assistance. Stop waiting! Make sujud, pour out all your feelings to Him and ask him to help you. In Shaa Allah, Allah will relieve the pain of your loved ones and you'll be surprised of how relieve you will feel after a heart-to-heart session with the Creator.

Have faith. Trust Allah :)

~5th February 2014~

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