Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Sakit Itu Nikmat

Keperitan yang kualami
Menyedarkan diri yang hina ini
Bahawa sakit yang kualami
Adalah nikmat Allah

Keperitan ini
Membuatkan diriku lebih bersyukur
Membuatkan diriku bergantung padaNya
Mengingatkan diriku untuk mengingatiNya
Mengingatkanku untuk senyum ketika sakit
Mengingatkanku bahawa Allah menyayangiku

Keperitan ini
Merupakan penawar dosaku
Merupakan ujian dariNya
Dia ingin melihat
Sama ada aku tabah
Sama ada aku percaya padaNya
Sama ada aku layak untuk syurgaNya

Keperitan ini
Merupakan nikmat dariNya
Kuatkan aku Ya Allah
Untuk menghadapi keperitan ini
Biarkanlah aku merasai nikmat sakit.
~25th February 2014~

Best Electrician in Town

Thoughts linger through my mind. These thoughts are like a network of wires all tangled up and only the best electrician in town will be able to untangle them. All I know is that these thoughts are negative ones as they make me feel unhappy. Ignoring them is one option but ignorance will lead me  no where as no matter how far I run away from the problems or negative thoughts, they will come back haunting me.

What options do I have now? Just call the best electrician in town. He will untangle all the wires for me provided that I give him a call. So, call Him. Call Allah. He will be there. Always :

~12th February 2014~


Pain. It's inevitable.

It hurts seeing those whom you love dearly going through pain, be it physical pain or heartache.
It's worst when you realize that you are helpless and can't do anything to help the ones you love. You can't get rid of the pain and you don't have control over anything.

It's at times like this that you will wake up from the deep worldly slumber that you were in and realize that only Allah has the power to help your loved ones. He knows what you're going through. Only He knows how helpless and miserable you feel. So, turn to Him and make du'a. For indeed, the best form of help that you could give to your loved ones is making du'a for them.

Allah's just waiting for you to ASK for His assistance. Stop waiting! Make sujud, pour out all your feelings to Him and ask him to help you. In Shaa Allah, Allah will relieve the pain of your loved ones and you'll be surprised of how relieve you will feel after a heart-to-heart session with the Creator.

Have faith. Trust Allah :)

~5th February 2014~

Does He Exist?

Some things can't be defined or comprehended by the human mind.
Science (which is a creation of the human mind) cannot justify everything that happens.
Lately, I have been having a disturbing thought.
I keep on wandering if Allah s.w.t actually exists.
I guess that it's because I'm not able to see Allah s.w.t virtually and I have been inflicted with hardships which I feel is beyond my capacity.
I know I'm wrong when it comes to thinking that He's testing me beyond my ability as He has made a promise in the Qur'an: 'Allah will not test a soul beyond what it can bear (2:286)'.

I now realize that my problem was that I didn't look beyond everything that was happening. I wasn't thinking enough about all the signs around me. Islam is a religion that encourages it's believers to think which is why Allah mentions the word 'think/ reason' repeatedly in the Qur'an. So yes, after thinking, my faith has been re-strengthened (In shaa Allah) and I believe that Allah exists. Why, you may ask?

By taking the closest example that I have,
I'm a sign of Allah's existence.
How would I exist without a higher power?
How would the world exist?

So, how do I know that Allah s.w.t is the Supreme Power behind the creation of this amazing world?
How do I know that He is the Mastermind behind everything that happens?
The Qur'an. It's a complete manifestation of life (past, present and future).
Allah s.w.t is the spokesperson and He knew things that none of the creation knew. This has been proven by science which was created my mankind with the gift of the mind granted by Allah s.w.t.
Thus, it's obvious that Allah s.w.t is The One behind the creation of this world.
He is the Only One who deserves to be worshiped.

Yes, I must admit that at times of hardship one would start having such thoughts just like I did.
At times like this, the best thing to do would be to read His verses and make lots of du'a.
Remember that Allah will always keep his promise and he wouldn't test anyone beyond their ability.
Think about your potential home or garden in Jannah. Every challenge that Allah puts you through is a golden opportunity for you to prove to Him that you're worthy of His Jannah.
Don't let your Iman waiver during times of hardships.

Let's pray that Allah s.w.t strengthens our Iman, In shaa Allah :)

~28th January 2014~