Monday, 25 May 2015

The Power of Believing

The day didn't go as planned. I woke up later than I was supposed to and I felt extremely sick. The same thought of 'Urghh... Another Day!' crossed my mind. I got out of bed and saw the pile of work lying on my study table. The thought of having to complete all that made me feel even worse.

As usual, I switched on You Tube and looked for some music to accompany me while completing the mundane assignments. Lately, this video of Humood AlKhudher singing 'Kun Anta' has been going around and I decided to check it out only to come about this amazing video of which its lyrics were soothing to my heart. It's called, Aseer Ahsan by Humood AlKhudher. A part of the lyrics are as follows:

Yes, I'll be better
Nothing can stop me
As long as I'm alive
I'll do what I've to do

I'm not afraid, I won't stand still
I'm moving ahead, my heart's my guide
I own the cure for the challenge
Even in the hardest and most painful situations

The song's in Arabic but it really made an impact on me as I've been listening to it all day, alternating it with other songs of course. It's as if I'm telling myself countless times that I will get better and well, you are what you tell yourself. Anyway, here's the song to those who would like to check it out! Trust me, even if you don't understand Arabic, the lyrics are simply beautiful :)

Farhanah Adam.

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