Friday, 31 January 2014

On a Roller-Coaster that Only Goes Up

Riding a roller-coaster that only goes up, never thinking about it's fall.
Once you start thinking about falling, the mind will automatically respond. Fear will dominate your mind before the fall even takes place.

Well, falling is inevitable but getting back up is a choice. If one holds on to the roller-coaster that only goes up and never thinks about falling down, the possibility of getting back up after a fall would be way higher. So, positive thoughts should always dominate our mind, not allowing the negative thoughts to act as a virus, controlling the most powerful invention, the human brain.

~10th November 2013~

The Tree of Hope

There was once a tree which represented hope. Each time I walked pass by the tree, it used to remind me that there's still hope. The sprouting leaves on one side of the tree showed that although a part of the tree was dying, it still had a chance to live. Now, as I walk pass the tree, all I see is it's leaves gone, leaving behind it's skeletal twigs and branches. It's really amazing how a tree, a small element of nature, can help us to reflect on life.

Allah s.w.t mentions in the Qur'an: "And have they not looked into the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and all things that Allah has created?" (7:185). 

In the Qur'an, Allah s.w.t urges us to reflect upon His creation. Truly, Allah created everything in this world for a purpose. Just like this tree. From my point of view, Allah wanted to remind me of hope by reflecting upon the tree's existence.

The tree used to make me smile at the thought of the existence of hope. Now, as I look at the tree, I wonder if it's leaves will ever grow again. This tree not only shows hope but it does significantly represent the cycle of life. I do hope that this tree's leaves will start growing once again and bring back the smile on my face. Deep down, I know that it will as it's 'The Tree of Hope'. 

This tree was a great reminder to me that in this world, there's always hope as long as one has faith and believes that Allah will grant His creation what's best for us.


~13th October 2013~

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


My heart hurts,
My thoughts wander,
Peace within myself,
Seems impossible to achieve,
There's an inner void,
A space waiting to be filled,
With the ultimate love,
Towards Him,
This journey of life,
Of filling this emptiness,
Seems too tough,
Just too tough to endure.

Should I stop?
Stop seeking for the ultimate love?
No, that's not an option,
He has created me,
He has created us,
To love Him,
To worship only Him,
To strive for Jannah,
Jannah- where I belong,
Where we belong,
The only place that's eternal,
I will strive,
To love Him,
Above everything else,
He is with me,
Every second,
I will strive for the love,
That was meant to fill this void,
I will strive for the chance to meet Him,
To meet Him who created me.

With Him by my side,
Nothing is impossible,

Help us through this journey, Ya Rabb :')